Upcoming Dates:

  • July 12 - 14, 2024

  • November 1 - 3, 2024

  • Prerequisite: None

LifeResults Core is a personal growth seminar where you’ll learn tools that enable you to take actions that lead to your desired results while avoiding old patterns that often get in the way. These tools give you the ability to handle the tough situations that determine the quality of your professional and personal relationships - which directly impacts the quality and results of your life.

Who Takes Core and Why?

Some people take LifeResults Core to become more effective and productive at work. Others take Core to bring more joy, energy and vitality to their life, or to transform a relationship in which they are struggling.

I may be someone who is interested in continuing my personal growth, or maybe I'm a business person looking to increase my output and results, or maybe I am in a tough spot and know I need to take action to get where I want to be. If I'm ready for more self-worth and confidence, improved relationships with others and myself (especially reducing that negative internal self-talk), or perhaps less anger, more peace – these are all things I can get in Core.

What exactly will I get?

There are only two ways things in life can change!

  1. Either everyone else changes what they are doing,

  2. Or I can change what I am doing.

This is powerful learning... to get more of what I want, I must figure out what *I* need to do - instead of focusing on what I *want* others to do. 

The key to success in all areas of life is to create a powerful and effective relationship with yourself and every single person around you. Self-imposed fears, barriers and limits often hamper our performance and our ability to relate effectively with one another. The tools taught in LifeResults Core enable you to move past those self-imposed fears, barriers and limitations, leading to a breakthrough in your effectiveness in all facets of your life.

Educational Approach

All topics are presented using a mix of adult learning styles. Each topic is explored through experiential lecturettes, small group work, discussions, and hands on activities.

Schedule and Locations

LifeResults Core is a 26.5-hour seminar over a weekend - Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. For details on location for upcoming classes, see the calendar.

Participants also attend 4 bi-weekly sessions in the two months following the course as well as several months of optional follow-on coaching that may include a combination of in-person, telephone, email and text-message support to assist you in fully applying the LifeResults tools you have learned. Follow up sessions are held either virtually on Zoom, or in-person at a rented space in Rochester, NY.

Schedule (approximate end times)

  • Friday: Arrive by 5:30pm for check-in; program runs 6:00pm - 11:00pm

  • Saturday: 9:00am to 11:00pm

  • Sunday: 9:00am to 4:30pm (optional: continue the celebration afterwards at a local restaurant)

  • Follow-up sessions: 6:30pm - 9:00pm - Dates to be determined

LifeResults Core is offered several times a year in Rochester NY. Similar courses are also offered periodically in other cities including Toronto, Cincinnati, Columbus, and San Jose.

Tuition, Payments and Financial Aid

LifeResults Core Tuition is $595, which includes a $95 non-refundable, fully transferable registration fee. Students and Veterans may attend for $395. Graduates of previous Core classes can review the course as many times as they want for $225. Tuition includes lunch and dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday, as well as snacks during the day and all course materials. Payment in full is required one week prior to the start of your seminar start date.

Should your financial situation require, LifeResults offers interest-free loans and need-based scholarships. For information on those options, contact us via phone at 585.204.0690 or 585.233.7771 or email us to make special payment arrangements.

Many corporations and organizations offer their employees tuition assistance to attend LifeResults seminars as part of their professional/leadership development training. Let us know if you would like a letter addressed to your Human Resources Department or manager that summarizes how employers benefit from their employees attending LifeResults seminars.

There are also discounts and coupons you may be eligible for (one coupon or discount method per registration).

Our Unconditional Guarantee

If, after completing the entire three days of the LifeResults Core Seminar, you feel that you did not benefit, you may submit a written request for a refund. Your tuition will be immediately and cheerfully refunded (less the $95 non-refundable registration fee). The Seminar Director or other LifeResults Board Member must receive this written request within three (3) days of completion of the LifeResults Core Seminar.

Register Now, Don’t Delay!